Courtney and Joahim Bannes

Courtney and Joahim Bannes

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Everything happens for a reason....right?

This past weekend my partner Monique Mitchell lost her father due to a stroke. He had been in the hospital for the past few weeks, and it just seemed like his condition kept getting worse. What got me was that through the whole entire time, Monique was still so persistent in trying to get B-roll for our doc. I was just amazed at her dedication. I couldn't imagine trying to work on anything, knowing that a close family member is in the hospital. I was very proud of her and her will to believe that regardless of the outcome, it was in God’s hands.

Because of our unique situation, Professor Jones has given us the opportunity to submit our doc for the fall semester. There is a possibility that Fall 2010, doc night or SJGC Doc will air in Lee hall. That’s potentially 2,000 people and I am looking forward to that. As of now, I do have the scripts almost complete. And I feel that would make it even easier to find exactly what we need and where to find it. At the end of the day, God knows best and even through a very sad situation, there is some light. SJGC Doc, look out for ANTOINETTE PRODUCTIONS. SKIN DEEP: BLACK WOMEN VENTURING OUT.